Why using EasyMan

The software project planning, they are designed to handle large projects. They allow you to keep track of the phases of the project, relations between the phases and of the progress. These software products typically are very sophisticated and manage Gantt charts and diaries. Generally go very well for managing a few large complex projects such as the construction of a building, a machine designed specifically for a customer or a complex software project.

However, in everyday life, we find ourselves in a scenario diametrically opposite: that having to deal with many small projects or even individual tasks. These are tasks that need to be performed at times a few minutes ... but they are important! Sometimes very important. Therefore, it is unthinkable to take 5 minutes to assign a task that takes 10 minutes to be performed. Since efficiency is critical to business competitiveness. Also because employees and managers face hundreds of situations like this every day. And also because the tasks are to be assigned in mind when maybe you are in the car and not in the office in front of a PC (and the app will never be able to compete with the complexity of the desktop software or web!).

So, to handle the many small everyday tasks, the solutions ranging from classic postit, sheets (paper or electronic) with lists of things to do, sending e-mail, recording of voice notes.

But it is clear that each of these solutions has more disadvantages than benefits.

Here then is born EasyMan: easy management software that allows you to keep track of the thousands of simple daily tasks. And you learn to use in a moment. It is accessible via the web or through App (for Android and IOS).